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Download Quran Study Software "Zekr"

Zekr is an open platform Quran study tool for simply browsing and researching on the Holy Quran. It is a Quran-based project, planned to be a universal, open source, and cross-platform application to perform most of the usual refers to Quran. The main idea is to build an as generic as possible platform to accept different Islamic resources.
Zekr is written in Java, on Eclipse platform, and uses SWT as widget toolkit. 

It works on different platforms, including Windows (2k, XP, Vista, 7), Linux (most important distributions), and Mac. It requires Java 1.5.0 (or newer). See installation page for more info. 

You can always find the latest releases of Zekr here. Source code is also put in the listed archives ([zekr]/dis/zekr-src.jar). You can access CVS tree, or checkout the latest version following this instruction.

Latest release: Zekr 1.1.0 final, see release notes.

This release is deeply devoted to the Muslims of Rohingya, Myanmar, world’s most prosecuted people, whose President, Thein Sein, said that they should be expelled from the country and sent to refugee camps. Please pray for Muslims all around the world, specially oppressed Muslims of Rohingya in this holy month of Ramadan.

OS Zekr Downloads Date Help
Windows Zekr 1.1.0 installer for Windows (8.2MB) (recommended) 19-7-2012 How to install
Windows Zekr 1.1.0 installer for Windows x64 (8.3MB) 19-7-2012 How to install
Windows Zekr 1.1.0 Portable for Windows (8.0MB) 19-7-2012 How to install
Windows Zekr 1.1.0 Portable for Windows + Java (39.7MB) 19-7-2012 How to install
GNU/Linux Zekr 1.1.0 Portable for Linux (48.5MB) (recommended) 19-7-2012 How to install
GNU/Linux Zekr 1.1.0 for Linux (7.5MB) 19-7-2012 How to install
GNU/Linux Zekr 1.1.0 for Linux x64 (7.6MB) 19-7-2012 How to install
Apple Macintosh Zekr 1.1.0 for Mac (7.7MB) 19-7-2012 How to install
Apple Macintosh Zekr 1.1.0 for Mac x64 (7.6MB) 19-7-2012 How to install

Latest milestone: Zekr 1.1.0 milestone 1, see release notes

OS Zekr Downloads Date Help
Windows Zekr 1.1.0m1 for Windows (8.1MB) (recommended) 6-7-2012 How to install
Windows Zekr 1.1.0m1 Portable for Windows (8.0MB) 7-7-2012 How to install
Windows Zekr 1.1.0m1 Portable for Windows + Java (41.5MB) 7-7-2012 How to install
Windows Zekr 1.1.0m1 for Windows x64 (8.3MB) 6-7-2012 How to install
GNU/Linux Zekr 1.1.0m1 for Linux (7.6MB) 6-7-2012 How to install
GNU/Linux Zekr 1.1.0m1 for Linux x64 (7.7MB) 6-7-2012 How to install
Apple Macintosh Zekr 1.1.0m1 for Mac (7.7MB) 6-7-2012 How to install
Apple Macintosh Zekr 1.1.0m1 for Mac x64 (7.6MB) 6-7-2012 How to install

Full Featured Qur'an Made For Windows

Zekr Qur'an was made with coding made for Windows, giving it the feel of any other Windows application. It is fully featured with advanced searching, navigation, recitation, and commentary.

Fully Customizable

The backbone of Zekr is very generic, allowing customization in many ways. Customize the language, translation, recitation, commentary, and theme. Make Zekr perfect for you.

Free & Open Source

The Zekr project stands by the following principle: Never Profit Off The Prophet. All programs are and will always be Free and Open Source. That means that anyone can see and contribute to developing Zekr.

In order to download Translations and Themes see resource page.
See here a list of custom builds of Zekr.

Sumber: Internet 

Posted by : Irayani Aco Faisal - About Me

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